This page offers information on all things related to “Green building (also known as green construction or sustainable building) refers to both a structure and the using of processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building’s life-cycle: from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition.” Wikipedia
Sustainable Building, Energy Conservation, and Renewable Energy are huge aspects of building green and we cover them in more detail on other pages on this site.
Find pictures and links for a ‘Passive House‘, which Wikipedia defines as “a rigorous, voluntary standard for energy efficiency in a building, reducing its ecological footprint. It results in ultra-low energy buildings that require little energy for space heating or cooling.” An ‘Active House’ can be so energy efficient it generates more heat and power than it requires while employing design elements that facilitate health, comfort, and sustainability. It can be as simple as planting trees around a building as well-placed trees can reduce air-conditioning needs by up to 30%. Wikipedia defines Zero-energy Building and Low-energy Building as “… building with zero net energy consumption, meaning the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is roughly equal to the amount of renewable energy created on the site”. It is great to see such sustainable development goals being achieved through renovations and being adopted into standards for new buildings by many. Rising energy costs, fuel shortages, and an increasing ‘green’ sensibility are resulting in more and more buildings being outfitted to be eco-friendly and cost-efficient.
If we find out about a great way to build or a great product to use for Green Building, we will share it. For instance, we are pretty knocked out with ‘Hempcrete’ or ‘hemp lime‘ a biocomposite material, composed of the woody core of hemp stalks, a binder, and water and strong enough to replace regular concrete. It is“a mixture of hemp hurds (shives) and lime, sand, or pozzolans, which is used as a material for construction and insulation. It is marketed under names like Hempcrete, Canobiote, Canosmose, Isochanvre, and IsoHemp. Hempcrete is easier to work with than traditional lime mixes and acts as an insulator and moisture regulator. It lacks the brittleness of concrete and consequently does not need expansion joints. The result is a lightweight insulating material ideal for most climates as it combines insulation and thermal mass.“ (Wikipedia)
We also explore Ecovillages which utilize sustainable and natural engineering and design concepts and techniques to benefit the whole community.
The following are miscellaneous links to everything that relates to sustainable building, resources, organizations, and more.
Canadian Green Building Council
LEED® – Canada Green Building Council
Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED)
GB&D: The Benefits of Biodiversity and Green Infrastructure
GBD Magazine: Carbon Neutral Community
Sustainable living around the house
Wikipedia: Sustainable Community
Wikipedia: Sustainable community energy system
Wikipedia: Ecological Footprint
Wikipedia: Sustainable Urban Planning
Wikipedia: Zero-energy Building
Wikipedia: Low-energy Building
Five of the World’s Coolest EcoVillages
International Living Institute
EcoWatch: Green Construction 101: Everything You Need to Know
Canadian Solar Industries Association
Planet Friendly on Green Building
Wikipedia on Off-the-grid Building
FB Page: Natural Building Network
Exploring Alternatives Video: Unique Sustainable Home Built With Nearly 100% Natural Materials…
Wikipedia: What is a Passive House?
TreeHugger: Radiative Cooling: Simple Paint Can Passively Cool Buildings
Wikipedia: Strawbale Construction “… uses bales of straw (commonly wheat, rice, rye, and oats straw) as structural elements, building insulation, or both.”
Cool Project Ideas Made Out Of Bales Of Hay
Planet Friendly: Strawbale building
Wikipedia: Earthbag Construction
EcoSnippets: Building An Earth Bag Round House For Less Than $5,000…
Eco-Snippets: How To Build An Earthbag Dome For Just $300…
EcoSnippets: Incredible Dome Home Built With Earth Bags – A Sustainable SuperAdobe House…
Info You Should Know: Earth Sheltered Homes: How to Build an Affordable Underground Home
Wikipedia: Autonomous Building
EcoSnippets Video: An Earthship Like None You’ve Ever Seen…
EcoSnippets Video: An Awesome Underground Earthbag Root Cellar Build…
EcoSnippets: This Apartment Complex Is A Vertical Forest Hosting 900 Trees & More Than 2,000 Plants…
Eco-Snippets: This New Neighborhood Will Grow Its Own Food, Power Itself, And Handle Its Own Waste…
EcoSnippets: A Stunning Small Home Made From Hemp…
EcoSnippets: These Environmentally Friendly 3D Printed Houses Are Made From Hemp…
Green Building Canada: 6 Advantages of Building With Hempcrete
Popular Mechanics: Carbon-neutral cement could eliminate 2 gigatons of CO2 annually pumped into the atmosphere through traditional cement production
The University of Colorado Video: New Kind of Cement Utilizing Algae
Scientific American: Concrete Made with Shredded Diapers Is Just as Strong and Saves Landfill Space
Business Insider India: How Bricks Made From Invasive Seaweed Clean Mexico’s Beaches …
DW: India: Bricks made from paddy stubble
Repurposed Recycled Reused Reclaimed Restored: Reuse grey water