Biofuel is derived directly from Biomass. This includes living matter such as wood, plants, algae material, and animal waste. Below are several links to current biofuel technologies and sources, along with information pertaining to steps being taken to revolutionize the future of the industry.

The beauty of Biofuel is it can be derived from plants or from agricultural, domestic, or industrial biowaste, and is generally considered carbon-neutral fuel as it emits fewer greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuels when burned in engines.

The different types of biofuel energy include Ethanol (also known as propanol and butanol) which is often derived from sugarcane and corn and involves fermentation; Biodiesel which is derived from vegetable oils and liquid animal fats using a process called transesterification; Green diesel which is derived from algae and other plant sources as well as animal fats and uses a process called hydrocracking. The Algae can be harvested from ponds or tanks on land, as well as the sea, and can result in high yields; Biogas (or methane) which is derived from digested organic material and animal manure and wastewater and can be converted into eco-friendly aviation fuel.